Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What's in the name?

The title comes from an experience with my son, Noah, who was 2 at the time. As we walked by a skateboard park he smiled and questioned, "Noah try, Daddy?" I thought for a moment and answered, "Someday." He pumped his arms in the air and shouted, "Someday! Someday, Daddy!" Of course I had to explain that "Someday" was not one of the seven days of the week we'd been teaching him, but the word has become a cornerstone of his always-growing vocabulary to refer to our adventures to come.

My family treats life as an adventure, and I hope to share our experiences, both large and small, with those who are curious to find out what can happy on any given "Someday!"


  1. Hi Ben!

    glad you are blogging. Clever title. Did you like the panicked message I left for you on Sunday? ha ha.

  2. May you find joy on any given Someday. Thanks for sharing.
